8 Reasons Why Small Businesses and Start-ups Should Use Digital Marketing

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here: Darshan Patet

As we all know that day by day small businesses are winding up. And many of them struggling to make some sells. The big sites like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong, Snapdeal any many more are controlling the huge part of the market. And stealing the customers from small and medium-size businesses. Some of them has found a way to stay in the market by  Going Online making websites and all that.

But, How effective it is? Not much if you just look at the numbers you will understand that those who are still making some money are just trying to cover their ends meet.

So, as a small business owner, you might have this question.

What can we do?

You can do a lot. Making a website was just the start you need to do the marketing. Otherwise, nobody other than you and your hosting provider will ever know that you have a website and people can buy from you. For that, you need to use digital marketing. You may have the idea what is digital marketing but still hesitating to use it. I know why that happens. There are some reasons. But today I am just going to show the 8 Benefits you will get by Digital Marketing.

1> You will be back into the game

The small businesses who resisted to go online are out of the game now. Only those who created their website and presence on the internet are still in the game. You created the website that was great. But, nobody knows about it. This situation is quite similar to the Sports game. You are player in the game but spare player if someone from main players got injured you might get your chance. So, by using Digital Marketing people will know that you exist on the team. And after some time you will be able to Come back to the game.

2> Cost Effective

This is important. You may have heard people saying that they put lots of money into Advertising their product on Radio, Newspapers etc. but still they failed. The days of old marketing are gone(for some businesses). No matter how much money you spend on Marketing and advertising your product it may still fail. But, Digital Marketing is different it doesn't cost that much. For more info, you can Google it or Consult any digital marketing company.

3> You can track the progress

Suppose you had put an Advertisement in the newspaper and you want to know how many of the people actually viewed it. Can you do that?
No. But, here in Digital Marketing you can track each and every advertisement you put on the internet. You can plan your next advertisement campaigns effectively using that data.

4> Helps you convert the visitors into customers

The next advantage of Digital Marketing is it helps you more in converting visitors of your website into your Customers. There are sites who have thousands of visitors every month. But, if they don't buy anything from you what is the meaning of having those visitors anyway. So, Digital Marketing increases the visitors of your website and with that, it also helps you to convert those visitors into customers.

5> Talk with Benefits, not features

When you just create a website you may want to include the features of your product. Honestly, no one cares about you everybody wants to know the benefits of your product rather than your features. Digital Marketing helps you in understanding the mindset of your target customers and use that to create the content you should use into your advertisements and websites.

6> Brand

Brand. What is a brand? The definition is not important. Let's take an example. If you go to buy sneakers of Nike are you going to negotiate the price with the seller?


Because NIKE is a brand you don't pay for the sneakers ultimately you pay for the Brand. Otherwise, you can buy sneakers from any company. So, Digital Marketing helps you in creating this Brand for your product. So, you can have full control over the price of your product.

7> Connect with customer

Connecting with the customer is more important than any other things. When you are connected with the customers you can have the constant feedback from them and quickly apply that feedback to your product. If you are not connected with customers and don't really understand their need or want then you are going to fail fast.

8> Survival

Now, Without using digital marketing you may come back to the game due to some player's injury. But, you won't be able to survive for long in the market it will be temporary until the injured player is healed and can play again. So, If you are currently in the game and wants to survive then you need to use Digital Marketing.

For any Small Businesses and Start-ups, Digital Marketing is must to do.

I am not telling anybody to spend money directly and reach out any Digital Marketing company. Because this thing is not much complicated. If you want to learn you can do it too. There are sources available out there on the Internet just Google it and whoa. You got that. Last wishes hope your business grows using Digital Marketing.


  1. Hi dear
    Thank you for sharing 8 reasons why small businesses and startups should use digital marketing.

  2. great information. Nowadays digital marketing is powerful for every brand and business. Thanks for sharing this most informative blog about digital marketing. I love this article & keep sharing the go-ahead. digital marketing

  3. Thanks for sharing this most informative blog about digital marketing. I love this article & keep sharing the go-ahead. digital marketing


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