80/20 Rule in Content


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80/20 Rule. I assume that everyone knows what it is? Right.

Anyway let me tell you little about it. The most popular rule 80/20. It means that 80% of your total results come from the 20% of your total work.

It applies everywhere if you think about it. In companies, 80% of work is done by 20% of the total employees. and companies find those 80% people and throw them out after knowing that he/she is in 80% people.

This is just one use of 80/20 Rule. There are many other applications. But here we are only going to discuss the application of 80/20 rule in content writing.

Why we should use the 80/20 Rule in the content writing?

As of the day, we all know that people are not getting attracted by the old ways of advertisements and promotions or sales words. Old ways of writing the article do not help us to keep them reading the full article. So, we need to change the strategies.

For that, we will use the 80/20 Rule.

How to use?

When you are writing anything keep the most part of the article focused on the customer's problem and what they can do. Another small part of the article should be about promoting your product or service as a better solution for the customers.

Most of the customers that means 80% of your customers come to you from 20% of your content. But that doesn't mean that you need to remove the 80% of the content like companies removing their employees. Because here that 80% of the part helps you to drive the customers to read the 20% of your promoting content and then lead to you.

When you are writing anything keep in mind that 80% of your words should be used in such a way that customers get motivated to read the other 20% of the content where you are promoting your product or service and ultimately that 20% will lead those customers to you.

80% of your content should be focused on the problems of the customers and what are the options available out there to solve that problem.

20% of your content should be about you. That means how you help the customers to solve the problem but in a better way than the other solutions. And how you are different from others.

Happy Writing to You.


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