Does Certificates Matter in Digital Marketing?

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here: Darshan Patet

HI Guys!

Note: In this article, I will use Paper-proofs for certificates and degree. Is that ok with you? Although, you can choose not to read. ;)

So, You are reading this article that means you have some paper proofs(Certificates or Degree) for Digital Marketing which means you are the best candidate for a DM job. or you are thinking of getting some paper proofs to get a DM job. There are lots of courses out there that provides paper-proofs and they help a lot but they do not make you an expert in Digital Marketing. These courses are important but not the necessity. You can be a DM expert without that but enough skills in DM.

It's a matter of fact that now the industry is changing and people are not getting hired based on their Paper-proofs but over their skills.

Yeah..yeah. I know how does it feel when you give your years and months to get a degree and after that, someone asks you.

Why does this happen?

Because what we get from our college or certification courses are just fundamentals and even some of them are too old that they are just taking their last breath. Nobody wants that type of people in their industry who has the fundamentals which are on death bed. Everyone wants to get done their work as fast as possible no one has time to teach you beyond the fundamentals in the corporate world. They want people with some skills so they don't need to delay you can just start your work and help the organization. But, as we know that paper proofs didn't give that to us. So, we need to improve the skills rather than stacking the paper proofs. It has lost its values nowadays.

Same applies to Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing is an everchanging world. When you wake up the next morning you may see a different social media on a boom and then you need to learn all about that. It may happen that the old fundamentals you have might not work in this new one. So, you need to constantly keep yourself updated and learning about new trends and new tactics to improve the results. The strategies keep changing on daily basis with improving technology.

So, when you are in the world of everchanging technology the fundamentals you are stuck to may keep you at the same place. And for that reason, companies are more tend to people with skills rather than people with paper proofs. I know that paper proofs are important but not the necessity. If you have enough skills you are more valuable than the person who has paper proofs but no skills.
Now, having paper proof doesn't mean you are at losing. You are more at winning because you have prior knowledge of it and because of that your ability to learn is more.

The situation is like you did a great course in the SEO. You know everything about SEO. How to do keyword research? What keywords should be used? But, if you never used then you never knew what to use or what to search for in keywords in the first place. It needs skills. To develop skills you need experience. To get the experience you need to apply what you learned on some real things.

Start implementing what you learned in your course or degree. Develop the skills by using the fundamentals in some real work. Paper-proofs are important but Skills are more important. At some point, paper-proofs are even neglectable. Nowadays you can even learn basics for free on the internet it does not require high qualifications or tools. You can just start with a laptop, mobile and Internet.

Do your research before joining any DM course or DM Schools. If you just need to make your small business improve a lot or you are just starting a start-up with very low funds and can't afford an expert to consult. Then please consider going through basics available for free and applying them in your real business you will learn a lot in the process.

Btw, the answer of the question in the title is 'NO'.


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