Most People Make this Mistake in Their Website

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here: Darshan Patet

This incident is actually funny but this may help you improve your site. Many Digital Marketing Experts ignore this type of little mistakes on their site and don't realize that they are actually not deriving traffic in but out.

So, what was are those mistakes?

Let's move on to my story.

Last night, I was visiting a website for some information. I just opened their website with great expectations to learn something new. And there with one click, the site started loading. and then in just some seconds, one pop-up comes to the screen saying...

"Welcome. This is our privacy policy do you agree?"

I clicked ok. I thought it may be necessary so I didn't think much about it and moved on.

After just 2seconds another pop-up came to the screen saying...

"We use cookies for better user experience do you want to continue?"

I was like if I was disturbed by your cookies why in the first place would I come here? I thought it irritating but I ignored it and moved on.

I was reading the title of the posts and scrolled down. And here we are with another pop-up saying...

"Subscribe to email newsletters and stay updated with latest posts. We would like to have your Email Id."

Me:  "What the heck man. I have not read even one thing on your site why in the world I want to give you my email id?"

Hopefully, there was an option to close and I removed that pop-up from my screen and continued to find something to read.

And after 30seconds I found something to read and opened the article and started to read. After 15seconds reading. Here we are with a new pop-up for an advertisement.

Me: "Do you really want me to read your content or your advertisement? What is this? It's just little more than a minute and you are firing pop-ups on my screen. There should be a limit to this I am done. I quit."

And there they lost a great subscriber and potential customer for their products or service.

This was really irritating and I didn't like that. I mailed them my experience so they can improve their website and don't lose their customers. But most of the people who are customers don't care about that. They will just move to another site.

If you have this type of pop-ups in your site please remove this it irritates the customers/readers and that may make a bad impression and stop them from visiting your site in future. If you are selling products it may help you in some way if you use this properly but otherwise, this is just a bad thing which needs to be removed.

Avoid this little mistakes and otherwise, you will be driving traffic out rather than in.


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