
Showing posts from January, 2019

Why Build Credibility before you Sell online?

Do you want to SELL your product online? Yes! then read more. It will help you to increase sales and if your sales are currently low then it will help you to know the reason WHY? W hen we sell online we forgot that there is no face to face contact with customers. There is no way that customers can directly contact you. There is nothing to connect with for customers. And we are selling our products being strangers for customers. Now, Just ask this simple question to yourself. Are you gonna buy something from some stranger? If it's BIG NO. T hen nobody wants to buy from a stranger if you are not gonna buy it. We need to identify ourselves before we sell. So, We need to build credibility to sell something online. What helps you to build credibility? Your Identity Your Story Your Brand   Your Customer Reviews Your Consistency Everything is Yours :) why? B ecause it's you who is selling. " People are not just buying a product they are buying

Why Use Paid Promotion?

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here:  Darshan Patet We don't want to lose money. Right? :) M any owners of the small business I meet for their small business marketing don't want to use paid promotions. They say I had already made a website and social media account. Why do I need to pay more? Y ou may have heard in news or social media that Facebook is blocking organic reach. Pages with 500,000 Likes gets only 2% Organic Likes. Everything else is from paid promotions. F acebook is already stopping people's content to reach more people no matter how good the content is. So, if your product or your content is good but nobody is seeing it then, What's the purpose of having a great product or service or content. Why Facebook do this? B ecause they want you to use paid promotions and they can make money from you. Facebook is already blocking and Instagram is on the way. You may find that lately, your pos

5 Reasons Why Use Facebook for Digital Marketing?

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here:  Darshan Patet S ocial Media Marketing is a part of Digital Marketing. We can say that Social Media is not just a part but more than that. Because many times we say Digital Marketing many people can only think of marketing using Social Media. So, Social Media is really a deciding factor in Digital Marketing. B ut, there are lots of social media on the internet. And we need to choose one which is best for us. The first question you will face is... Which one to choose? W hen you don't have much knowledge about DM and you are marketing on your own for your Small business or Start-up. It's tiring and very time consuming to decide and finally, most people make the mistake of out of frustration to create accounts on many sites. I had defined this problem in another article you can read it here. So, What can you do to avoid that? W hen you are starting and don't know which so

Does Certificates Matter in Digital Marketing?

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here:  Darshan Patet H I Guys! Note: In this article, I will use Paper-proofs for certificates and degree. Is that ok with you? Although, you can choose not to read. ;) S o, You are reading this article that means you have some paper proofs(Certificates or Degree) for Digital Marketing which means you are the best candidate for a DM job. or you are thinking of getting some paper proofs to get a DM job. There are lots of courses out there that provides paper-proofs and they help a lot but they do not make you an expert in Digital Marketing. These courses are important but not the necessity. You can be a DM expert without that but enough skills in DM. I t's a matter of fact that now the industry is changing and people are not getting hired based on their Paper-proofs but over their skills. Y eah..yeah. I know how does it feel when you give your years and months to get a degree and afte

How Marketing can Decide the Success of your Startup or Small Business?

I have Moved my blog from this Blogger Site to my personal site you can read more here:  Darshan Patet Marketing can decide the success of your startup or small business. Why? The person who is in marketing knows it very well and if not then you need to know it before starting. When I was meeting my friends who are going to start their start-ups and people who own small business for guiding them on how to start in Digital Marketing. I realise that some of the products are those who don't even have the demand in the market. That doesn't mean they were not solving problems they were and even big problems at that. But, They were trying to shoot arrows in the dark. Now, you might think that every Start-up is like that but it's not the case here. I know they were not the experts in business but they had everything else. A  Great Product A Great Team A Great Business Plan But when we were discussing the marketing strategies they had made some prior things to

Welcome to My Blog

This is my First Post so it will be on my intro to you all guys. Basically I am a Computer Engineer. So, for the whole four years I was thinking about web & app development because that's what all(Most of) Computer Engineers do. But do you know what? I joined two companies for the same purpose for internship and after completing that internship getting a job. But in the first week of both joining I quit. Because after a week I knew it was not I want to do. So, I jumped from the development to the Digital Marketing and then after a week I also quit that company too. Why? because they do not want to teach their employees anything but just get there work done at all cost. The environment doesn't suit me so I just quit. Then I thought of getting a job at another company but that part didn't go well. So, I thought to learn it all my self. I know it sounds crazy but this way I was learning much more than joining a company. I just started to go to the new